Why Understanding your Intuition Matters

Why Understanding your Intuition Matters

Today we talk about Intuition.

What is Intuition?

Intuition is the ability to receive a decipher energy through our mind through our heart through our energy field.

We all have the ability to tap into our Intuition using different senses like the physical senses of smelling tasting seeing hearing feeling they are also, intuitive, spiritual senses sense of sight, hearing, smiling, tasting knowing.

Your Intuition is natural and it helps you navigate your everyday life.

Your inner compass guides you through life, helping you make sense of the world and energy around you.

It’s a thought or feeling, a smell, or a sensation that you are able to easily understand and translate into information that only you can resonate with.

You experience life on many different levels through what is happening to you now, what has happened to you and others in the past, and what you imagine or expect to happen in the future.

It’s all happening without you consciously being aware of it. It just happens without you trying or noticing how it happened.

So what if you started to notice?

Infinite Blessings,

Kymberly Castro


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Check out my Books:

MY NEW BOOK!!! Internal Fury: Listen with your Heart, Find your Center, and Allow the Breath to Guide you

Call Me: 40 Day Devotion, Inspired by Jesus, Transcribed with Love

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